Mother's Day Interview, The Hindu
May 10, 2014
Thoughts for the perfect mom
They’ve reached successful heights but their emotional depths are reserved for their mother. On the eve of Mothers Day, a few well known Hyderabadis share thoughts on their mothers with MetroPlus
We asked celebrities three questions — What’s the most precious gift you can give your mother. Why? Which stage of your life, do you think your mother played a significant role? Any particular trait in your mother that you’d want her to change? Here’s what they had to say.
Dr. P. Raghuram, Director, KIMS-Ushalakshmi Centre for Breast Diseases

- The most precious gift that I can give to my mother (Ushalakshmi) is Time. Any other gift would be meaningless. To my mind, the returns of giving time to loved ones are immeasurable. I consider myself deeply privileged to have been able to give time and stand shoulder to shoulder with my mom in her fight against Breast cancer.
- My mother played a significant role in my childhood, which has had its imprints all along. She was one of the most successful and sought after gynaecologists in Hyderabad during her peak professional years; but her priority was in bringing me up and being with me when I needed her the most. She taught me during my formative years through her own example the importance of giving time to family, the value of integrity, hard work, getting involved in charity and to remain grounded at all times.
- There’s nothing that I’d want my mother to change. I accept her as she is and count my blessings to experience her unwavering love and affection. I pray lord almighty that should I be fortunate enough to be reborn, I would want her to be my mom again and again.
Nani, Actor
- What I wish to give and what I’m unable to give my mother (Vijayalakshmi) is time. I get to see her for a few minutes these days, between my shooting schedules and meetings.She loves to share things with me and nothing else will make her happier.
- As a child, I was scared of my father and the interaction between us was minimal. Most of my conversations were with my mother. I would feel completely lost if my mother was away from town even for two or three days; I’d realise the amount of work she puts in for us.
- My mother is a great host but my relatives fear her because she compels them to eat more.As soon as one finishes a meal, she’ll be ready with juices and so on. I wish she’d show some restraint in that.I keep telling her that if I were to give in to her compulsions and eat all that she feeds me, I’ll be an actor with no fitness.
Anand Kabra, Fashion Designer
- I cannot think of a monetary gift for my mother, Anju. This is the time for me to give back to her in any way I can. When the time calls for a role reversal, I shall be ready for it.
- My mother has played a significant part in every stage of my life, but I cherish my growing years the most. She provided nourishment to my body, mind and soul and made me what I am today. If I can do my work and go to bed with a clean conscience, it’s mostly because she ensured that I had a strong foundation in my formative years.
- She is a good writer and a public speaker, because of which she tends to throw her voice at home as well. I wish she would lower her decibel levels while speaking with us.
V. Hemachandra, Singer

- I don’t think I can match up to what my mother (Sasikala Swamy) has done for me just through a gift. She is the reason why I am flourishing as a singer. My gift would be loads of love, respect and gratitude towards her.
- Mom was always there for me in every stage of life. She is my guru in music. She is a music teacher to many others who have made their way into the limelight, like Ramacharygaruwho spent most of his time at our place.She is also a great light music artiste.I consider myself lucky to be her son and learn from her. As a person she keeps her cool even in stressful situations and has taught me to be patient and how to deal with troubles in life.
- I don’t want to change anything in my mother. I love the way she is but sometimes I wish I could stop people from taking advantage of her nature. We all call her ‘Mother Teresa’ in our family.We feel bad when a few people try to take advantage of her good nature. People like her are rare to find and since I am her son it’s my responsibility to protect her.
G.V. Keshav Reddy, Co-founder of The Indian Brand
- My mother (Aparna Reddy aka Pinky Reddy) stands for purity, generosity and good luck for not only my large family but to a larger community in Hyderabad. Her acts of kindness to anyone and everyone are well known. Hence for a person who is so selfless, the most precious gift I can give is the gift of love and affection.
- My mother has been the sole woman and rock in my life ever since I can remember. Especially the past few years we’ve grown very close and I am grateful to God for giving me such an amazing mother.
- There’ nothing I’d like to change in her. Mamma’s perfect.