Dr Raghuram & his family have decided to adopt
Ibrahimpur, a village in Medak District in Telangana with a population of around 1000 people with 265 homes.
This is a Village that was also adopted by Sri Harish Rao three years ago. Dr Raghuram visited Ibrahimpur along with Mr Harish Rao, Hon'ble Minister for Irrigation, Legislative Affairs & Marketing, who helped identify charitable projects that would benefit the Village. After assessing first hand the pottential projects along with the Hon'ble Minister, clearance was given to build a dining room, a Library /Study room with Internet facilities in the Village school in addition to building a Crematorium for the village that would also benefit neighbouring villages.
Currently, students eat their lunch in the open Compound of the School and find it extremely difficult particularly during summer. Also, as many in the School are appearing for entrance exams and higher education exams, a good library with internet facilities will be provided in the school premises. Village residents have to travel to Siddhipet, which is 20 kms away for cremation purposes. Hence a modern Crematorium that will benefit Ibrahimpur and surrounding Villages will be constructed.
Besides, A Health Centre manned by an ANM that will provide basic healthcare in the Village and regular camps to detect Cancer in the early stages are being planned simultaneously.